Sales Made Simple

12-Week Live

Join your Coach Live and Master the sales tactics and techniques that get you and your team to your best sales results to date!

Sales Made Simple


In your own time... Master the sales tactics and techniques that will get you your best sales results to date!

The Countdown to Join Us Live!

12th of September 2024

PERTH (AWST) : 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Registration ends in...

Graduating from the Sales Masterclass and...

Empower Your Team

Investing in training will give your team a better understanding of the knowledge and skills they need to turn more leads into closed sales.

Boost Your Sales

As your team masters their mindset, follow a proven process, prospects become clients and clients become raving fans - watch your sales increase to new heights.

Increase Your Cashflow

Watch the impact of your increased sales directly impact your bottom line, giving you more freedom to live the life you dreamed of when you first started your business.

Why does the 12-week Sales Masterclass work?

  • Create a winning mindset: we inspire, inform, and motivate you to be the best sales professional you can be. In this series of Masterclass you get to address your mindset, and strengthen your beliefs making you more successful.

  • Overcome objections : Understand how to break down the sales process into manageable parts. Get the tools, scripts and tactics to effectively handle, address and overcome objections.

  • Develop a system that turns clients into raving fans of your business: Get the insight on how to improve customer service and ultimately turn your prospects into clients and your clients into raving fans that turn into a ready-made sales force for you. Sales isn't a task, it is a process. We help you develop systems to help make it easier for customers to buy from you.

  • Affordability: Access high quality training without breaking the bank.

  • Implementation Support: Our program ensures you and your team get to put your newfound skills into action simply, effectively and immediately.

  • The Course Format: Attend virtually via Zoom - can't make the live... Get access to the replay.

If you are in business to make money, you need a strong sales game! Put in the effort and this 12-week Intensive will get you ahead of the pack... So are you in?

Joining the Sales Masterclass gives you access to...

12 x Live Coach Facilitated
Sales Training Sessions

  • 12 x 1 hour weekly sessions live or online

  • Learn with other business owners

  • Participate in facilitated sessions with your local ActionCoach

  • Walk away with practical strategies

12 x Online Sessions with World #1 Business Coach, Brad Sugars

  • Chairman & Founder of ActionCoach, Brad Sugars, will deliver video learning sessions each week

  • Training is delivered in self-paced format with videos, and activities to help make learning more in-depth and comprehensive

Resources at your fingertips to use in your business straight away

  • Additional resources, reading recommendations and planning materials makes learning more valuable

  • Walk away with planning tools, Reading recommendations and a workbook

The Sales Masterclass Outline

The 12-week content providing you with the tools you need to empower your team, transform your sales, and scale your business and your life


Mindset & Professionalism

Learn how to professionally lead people to a decision to buy. When selling, you must sell with the purpose of helping your customers solve their problems, more than the product they are buying. Attitude plays a big part on this! The attitude with which you approach your customer will determine your end result.



Your perception of customers plays out in how you relate, your language, action, and way of communicating. Having positive beliefs are important to building a good business. You’ll be able to understand what they want, therefore, sell what they need. Be the problem solver and grow your business.


Communication & Engagement

What you are communicating is what gets your customers to think and act that way. By communicating in the same language as they do, you’ll better understand what they are saying. Understanding how people communicate, make decisions, and operate are very important parts in getting them.


Prospecting, Qualifying & Targeting

Understand how to get new and/or repeat business. Customer’s attention and interest level grow as they see more benefits in dealing with you. Understanding your products, customers, and competitors allows you to do that. The goal is to make your products/services desireable so it becomes easy buy from you.


Lead Qualification

Part of lead qualification is your communication technique, especially, the questioning. Asking the right questions allows you to listen, focus on what they’re saying, build trust, and get to know them better. Ask them questions until it reaches an emotion where they want to invest with you.


Technique & Sales

Understand how to get new and/or repeat business. Customer’s attention and interest level grow as they see more benefits in dealing with you. Understanding your products, customers, and competitors allows you to do that. The goal is to make them want your product/service over any others.


Negotiation & Objection Handling

Most people’s disposition in making purchases is primarily focused on emotions. Logic makes them think, but emotions make them act. Selling on purpose moves away from objection. Your preparations, communication, and bargaining will define the closing of sales. Sell your business’ value first, then negotiate.


Understanding Your Competition

You can’t outsell competitors that you don’t know and understand, and that you haven’t seen the products’ benefits and features. You’ve got to know them better as any of your customers would. Defining your own products/services and knowing what is unique about them will differentiate you against your competitors.


Database & Tools

What sales tools and technology, are you using in house that takes care of your clients journey and leads them to an ultimate decision to buy. This week we look at the process and systems that drive successful sales processes. How to implement, manage, test and measure so you get to grow your business without the burnout because you have a sytem in place.


Customer Service & Support

What you’re doing with your customer service, and the level of taking care of them is what will make them go back and give you referrals. Delivering the basics well, making the buying process easy, being proactive, and innovative, and delivering customer satisfaction will make them loyal customers and give you referrals


The Enrolment

As you professionally lead people to buy, your job is to make sure you enrol them and provide them with a purchase decision by stating the benefits they gain from the investment, rather than the product features.


Scripts, Action & Deliver

Scripts are part of the sales process that help you create a methodology of covering everything, opening your customer’s mind of things that are important and getting them build that whole point. A great script is something that gets results.

Take these 3 easy steps to scale up your business...

Register Now

Click on the Register Your Interest Now button.
Fill in your details. Your coach will give you a

call and book you a place on the next

available program.

Build a Plan and Vision

We work together to understand your

vision and put a step-by-step plan in place

to create a business that will work

without you.

Enjoy the Life You Deserve

Start enjoying the benefits of

owning a business that can

work without you.


Transform Your Business with Confidence

At ActionCoach, we understand it's essential that you achieve real results for you and your business. That's why we back our coaching programs with our ActionCoach guarantee. As long as you follow our proven systems and complete all of the work and actions agreed upon in your sessions, our coaching programs are guaranteed to deliver the transformative outcomes you deserve. Ask your coach for full details.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  How much does the 12-week Sales Masterclass cost?

The investment for the Sales Made Simple 12 Week Program (VIA Zoom) is $1200 +GST.

Sales Made Simple, Self Guided is $497 +GST
Price on Application (POA) is available for an inhouse variation.

2. Why would I need a business coach?

There are endless reasons why a business owner, leader or senior manager would benefit from the support of a professional business coach. Being a business leader can be a lonely occupation as you need to wear many hats and often have little support outside of your family and friends. Your ActionCoach will become your mentor, confidant and compassionate yet uncompromising friend. Your ActionCoach will be there to guide you through the tough times and celebrate with you as you achieve your successes. 

3. What is group coaching?

Group coaching is a method that involves coaching multiple individuals at once. In this approach, the coach works with a group of people who share common goals, challenges, or circumstances. The group is a supportive environment where members give each other feedback, provide mutual support and develop a sense of community. Our membership group coaching programs are designed around our ‘CARE’ philosophy. ‘C’ stands for ‘community’. Each of our group programs harnesses the power of shared learning and sense-making in a safe personal development ecosystem with other business owners and leaders at a similar stage in their journeys. ‘A’ stands for ‘Accountability’. Here you will be held to account by other members of your program in a supportive, fun environment. They want you to succeed and will challenge you to ensure that you achieve the goals and actions you set for yourself. ‘R’ stands for ‘Results’ as you will share and celebrate your successes with your peers and inspire one another to achieve even greater heights. ‘E’ stands for ‘Education’. All of our programs are facilitated by a World-Class certified ActionCoach and supported by the world’s No.1 resource for business growth and education. You will learn new strategies, tools and frameworks to implement into your life and business straight away, ultimately empowering you to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

4. How long do coaching programs last?

Each of the Masterclass (Business, Sales and Marketing) Programs last 12 weeks.

For other programs it will depends on your goals and how far you want to grow. Just like everything else in life, true performance requires a life-long commitment to self-development. There are no ‘quick fixes’ and we recommend undertaking a program of a minimum of 24 months to experience a significant, lasting change. In reality, our clients stay for much longer as there’s always a new challenge and their horizons are constantly evolving. Whether you're just starting out in business, have reached maturity and you're unsure where to go next or you're wanting to exit your business and get it working without you there, business coaching can start and continue at any point of your business journey. Would you like to have a story like theirs?

5. Are there extra charges to implement the strategies?

Absolutely not! You will find that implementing these strategies will actually save you money!

Whether you are on a group or 1:1 coaching program, you will be shown how to implement strategies and then be held accountable to do or delegate the work by your coach and your peers in the community. Everyone in the ActionCoach family is committed to your business and personal growth and you will find support is happily given whenever you need it – whether that is from your coaches team or our wider ActionCoach community of incredible business leaders.

6. Will business coaching work for my business, industry or specific problem?

The ActionCoach system has been proven to work in businesses of all shapes, sizes, industries and at every stage of development. Thousands of businesses worldwide have been coached to success using these proven methodologies. Whilst every business and team are different, the challenges they face are often remarkably similar. Your ActionCoach will help you identify the root causes of your challenges and the barriers that prevent you from achieving success. Instead of just addressing the symptoms, your coach will work with you to choose the best strategies that will help you overcome these obstacles. Together, you will create a strategic roadmap that will guide you to the success you desire. 

7. How much time or work will I have to put in?

The main purpose of coaching is to help you become more efficient and effective in how you invest all of your resources, especially your time, which is the most valuable of them all. At the start of the coaching journey, we focus on time management to help you analyse your relationship with time, identify how you're currently spending it and provide you with clarity around your choices. This will help you make significant improvements in both productivity and efficiency, allowing you to invest more of your time working on the business as a true leader rather than in the business as just a part of the machinery. We strongly recommend that you dedicate at least 20% of your time to working on activities, and we will assist you in finding ways to achieve this goal. 

Join the wait list for our next Sales Masterclass

Elevate your sales prowess by enrolling in our Sales Masterclass – Complete the form below and chat to our team!

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